Osprey Cam at Cape May, NJ

Osprey Cam at Cape May, NJ

Source:  The Nature Conservancy of New Jersey Mission:  The Nature Conservancy of New Jersey The Nature Conservancy of New Jersey Facebook webpage
1st egg laid on 05-07-23 2nd egg laid on 05-10-23 3rd egg laid on 05-13-23
1st egg hatched 06-15-23  Day 38 | Died on 06-23-23 at 8 days old 2nd egg hatched on 06-16-23  Day 36 | Died on 06-22-23 at 6 days old 3rd egg hatched on 06-19-23  Day 36 | Died on 06-22-23 at 3 days old
1st egg laid on 05-03-24 2nd egg laid on 05-06-24 3rd egg laid on 05-09-24
1st egg destroyed by crow 06-08-24  Day 36 2nd egg hatched on 06-11-24  Day 36
Preyed upon by owl 06-19-24  Day 8
3rd egg hatched on 06-14-24  Day 36
Preyed upon by owl 06-19-24  Day 5